I need clothes that fit me and my identity

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Dressing for Occasions

Dress for Success - Provides low-income women with suiting for interviews, and wardrobe pieces for starting a new job, gratis. Allows self-referral via form.

Cheap Clothes

Village Discount Outlet - "Quality secondhand clothing, housewares and accessories." A bunch of locations around Chicago area; manages to avoid being hip and therefore not scoured by cool people who want to cut up t-shirts for crop tops. A lot of weekly specials if you check the website; students get 20% off on Sundays with ID.

Crossroads Trading Co. - I got a lot of my brand-name stuff secondhand from here when I was in college. You can occasionally snag brand-name leather bags on the cheap if you look regularly. Slimmer options (ha) for plus-sizes, unfortunately.

Buffalo Exchange - Trendy mix of brand name and no-name items; you can get some good items for dressier occasions and the occasional name-brand handbag there.

[WITH MAJOR CAVEAT: THEY SUCK AND ARE ASSHOLES] Salvation Army - Yeah I know, I know, but if you're in a pinch their prices are very good.